
Following are a diversity of resources (websites, videos, articles, among others) that may be of your interest. The majority of resources are available online for free in the hyperlink provided. If you are not sure where to start, recommended resources have the first word of the reference highlighted with light text over a dark background (e.g., Ansari).

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Bjursell, C., Bergmo-Prvulovic, I., & Hedegaard, J. (2021). Telework and lifelong learning. Frontiers in Sociology, 6.

Carillo, K., Cachat-Rosset, G., Marsan, J., Saba, T., & Klarsfeld, A. (2021). Adjusting to epidemic-induced telework: Empirical insights from teleworkers in France. European Journal of Information Systems, 30(1), 69-88.

Chong, S., Huang, Y., & Chang, C. H. D. (2020). Supporting interdependent telework employees: A moderated-mediation model linking daily COVID-19 task setbacks to next-day work withdrawal. Journal of Applied Psychology.

de Macêdo, T. A. M., Cabral, E. L. D. S., Silva Castro, W. R., de Souza Junior, C. C., da Costa Junior, J. F., Pedrosa, F. M., ... & Másculo, F. S. (2020). Ergonomics and telework: A systematic review. Work, (Preprint), 1-11.

Gaffney, A. W., Himmelstein, D. U., & Woolhandler, S. (2021). Trends and disparities in teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA: May 2020–February 2021. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 1-3.

Galanti, T., Guidetti, G., Mazzei, E., Zappalà, S., & Toscano, F. (2021). Work From home during the COVID-19 outbreak: The impact on employees’ remote work productivity, engagement, and stress. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 63(7), e426.

Igeltjørn, A., & Habib, L. (2020, July). Homebased telework as a tool for inclusion? A literature review of telework, disabilities and work-life balance. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 420-436). Springer, Cham.

Kapoor, V., Yadav, J., Bajpai, L., & Srivastava, S. (2021). Perceived stress and psychological well-being of working mothers during COVID-19: a mediated moderated roles of teleworking and resilience. Employee Relations: The International Journal.

Kazekami, S. (2020). Mechanisms to improve labor productivity by performing telework. Telecommunications Policy, 44(2), 101868.

Miglioretti, M., Gragnano, A., Margheritti, S., & Picco, E. (2021). Not all telework is valuable. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 37(1), 11-19.

Mouratidis, K., & Papagiannakis, A. (2021). COVID-19, internet, and mobility: The rise of telework, telehealth, e-learning, and e-shopping. Sustainable Cities and Society, 74, 103182.

Ollo-López, A., Goñi-Legaz, S., & Erro-Garcés, A. (2020). Home-based telework: usefulness and facilitators. International Journal of Manpower.

Ono, H., & Mori, T. (2021). COVID-19 and telework: An international comparison. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 1.

Pabilonia, S. W., & Vernon, V. (2020). Telework and time use in the United States. Available at SSRN 3601959.

Pänttäjä, K., & Wu, X. (2021). Teleworkers’ productivity in turbulent times-A comparative study of employees in Finland and China during the COVID-19 pandemic. Uppsala Universitet.

Park, S., & Cho, Y. J. (2020). Does telework status affect the behavior and perception of supervisors? Examining task behavior and perception in the telework context. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-26.

Pesha, A., & Kamarova, T. (2021). Socio-psychological problems of the transition of university teachers to distance employment during the Covid19 pandemic. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 99, p. 01040). EDP Sciences.

Schur, L. A., Ameri, M., & Kruse, D. (2020). Telework after COVID: a “silver lining” for workers with disabilities?. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 30(4), 521-536.

Sostero, M., Milasi, S., Hurley, J., Fernandez-Macias, E., & Bisello, M. (2020). Teleworkability and the COVID-19 crisis: a new digital divide? (No. 2020/05). JRC working papers series on labour, education and technology.

Stiles, J. (2020). Strategic niche management in transition pathways: Telework advocacy as groundwork for an incremental transformation. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 34, 139-150.

Vargas-Llave, O., Mandl, I., Weber, T., & Wilkens, M. (2020). Telework and ICT-based mobile work: Flexible working in the digital age. New Forms of Employment Series.

Zhang, S., Moeckel, R., Moreno, A. T., Shuai, B., & Gao, J. (2020). A work-life conflict perspective on telework. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 141, 51-68.

Telework & Teachers

Bauwens, R., Muylaert, J., Clarysse, E., Audenaert, M., & Decramer, A. (2020). Teachers’ acceptance and use of digital learning environments after hours: Implications for work-life balance and the role of integration preference. Computers in Human Behavior, 112, 106479.

Blasko, Z. (2020). Working from home when teachers do the same–teleworking and work-family conflicts during COVID-19 lockdowns. Available at SSRN 3729301.

Heiden, M., Widar, L., Wiitavaara, B., & Boman, E. (2021). Telework in academia: associations with health and well-being among staff. Higher Education, 81(4), 707-722.

Hicks, M. S. (2020). The number of people who can telework is higher than was estimated. Monthly Labor Review, 1.

Lizana, P. A., & Vega-Fernadez, G. (2021). Teacher teleworking during the covid-19 pandemic: Association between work hours, work–family balance and quality of life. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14), 7566.

Lizana, P. A., Vega-Fernadez, G., Gomez-Bruton, A., Leyton, B., & Lera, L. (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on teacher quality of life: A longitudinal study from before and during the health crisis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(7), 3764.

Loscalzo, Y. (2021). The impact of workaholism and work engagement on distant learning and work-family conflict during the COVID-19 lockdown. Amfiteatru Economic, 23(58), 752-769.

Mari, E., Lausi, G., Fraschetti, A., Pizzo, A., Baldi, M., Quaglieri, A., ... & Giannini, A. M. (2021). Teaching during the pandemic: A comparison in psychological wellbeing among smart working professions. Sustainability, 13(9), 4850.

Mișu, S. I. (2020). Teacher’s work engagement-change and adaptation during COVID-19 pandemic. Business Excellence and Management, 10(SI 1), 243-255.

Obrad, C., & Circa, C. (2021). Determinants of work engagement among teachers in the context of teleworking. The Amfiteatru Economic Journal, 23(58), 718-718.

Palma-Vasquez, C., Carrasco, D., & Hernando-Rodriguez, J. C. (2021). Mental health of teachers who have teleworked due to COVID-19. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 11(2), 515-528.

Syrek, C., Kühnel, J., VahleHinz, T., & de Bloom, J. (2021). Being an accountant, cook, entertainer and teacher—all at the same time: Changes in employees' work and workrelated wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic. International Journal of Psychology.

Villa, N. B., Sepulveda, J. G. M., & Burgos, A. V. (2020). Teleworking and work stress for teachers in times of COVID-19. Medisur-Revista De Ciencias Medicas De Cienfuegos, 998-1008.


Date of last update:8-Sept-2021 CB

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