How do I cope?

1. Take one day, one hour, or even one moment at a time


2. Be patient with yourself

3. Allow yourself to grieve losses


4. Pace activities

5. Plan ahead and include rest breaks

6. Be adaptable - cancel plans if you’re not feeling well


7. Adjust your expectations


8. Be open to trying new things

9. Deep breathing exercises

10. Spend time with pets

11. Listen to music - sing out loud to your favorite lyrics!

12. Humor

13. Reach out to someone (friends, family, someone in the NH EDS Support Group, or NH EDS Coalition)

14. Get/use your disability placard

15. Keep a journal of how you’re feeling, your symptoms, your goals…

16. Make lots of little attainable goals - to take a shower, stand for just a few minutes, go outside, call a friend, play fetch with the dog, pet the cat, eat a healthy meal, do your physical therapy exercises… - and be proud of accomplishing these things:)

May 15, 2017

NH EDS Coalition