Primal Power & Living Systems


  1. CHANGE: The constant of any system is change (either evolutionary change/syntropic change or disintegration/entropic change). Change is the core constant of life; change is the central constant for all living systems. Living systems are therefore subject to the agent of change. Note, however, (and this might seem obvious but it nevertheless should be stated) that while mechanical systems, as opposed to living systems, are also subject to change, the former (mechanical systems) can only change entropically, not syntropically. Mechanical systems cannot, on their own, reconfigure into higher orders, only into lesser orders (the result of corrosion and disintegration). Alas, mechanical (non-living systems) putter out if they do not receive support via an external living system, intelligence.
  2. THREADS OF ENERGY: Living systems are made up of threads of energy (also called “cords” of energy - note these threads and cords are a vibratory frequency like music so they can also be termed “chords” with an ‘h” as in the musical variety).

These threads/cords/chords carry an electoral magnetic currency

  1. ELECTROMAGNETIC CURRENCY: Living systems require unimpeded electromagnetic currency flow. Any stops or blocks to this unimpeded flow will be the harbinger of the living system’s demise. This electromagnetic currency can be likened unto rays coming out of the sun – the “Force from the Source.” Consider the flow of electromagnetic energy in the body and the way the  Nadi’s and Meridians are mapped in the body by the ancient mode of healing known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
  2. INTEGRITY OF THE THREADS: The threads must be taut. Integrity and tautness are synonymous. Any degree of slackness in the threads indicates dis-integrity. The rays of the sun, the “force from the Source” extend in taut cords. This tautness indicates ‘know how,’ intelligence, it is a reflection of the qualities of primal power. Consider the archer’s bow and arrow – a floppy bow will not direct the arrow; nor will a floppy arrow be directed. The power is always determined by the integrity. By the same token, it can also be said that the integrity is present because of the power.

If the threads of electromagnetic flow are interrupted by having been cut or impacted, obstructed, they will not be able to conduct primal power properly. Example: Going under the knife with elective, cosmetic surgery cuts the threads and removes the ‘know how’ from the cells/tissues.

  1. PROTECTING THE SEXUAL CENTER: Living systems are porous, especially  at their north and south poles points. Sexual centers (south pole in the human) are especially porous as is the crown center in a human (note the fontanelle, the soft spot at the crown on a baby’s head, before it closes up around age 3).. In our human system, the loss of energy or preservation of energy will greatly depend upon the use or misuse of the sexual center. Consider the apple – circulating energy. Porousness ensures conductivity exchange. Healthy boundaries at the north/south energetic pole points must be highly functional: open to giving/receiving constructively with the flow of energy, not as an access point for anti-energetic leaching. This is the case with every single solitary living system from an atom to a galactic system.
  2. SYSTEMS WITHIN SYSTEMS: All systems operate inter-connectively and interdependently – they can best be understood as ‘systems within systems’ – an endless infinity of worlds within worlds. The large and small networks feed into each other.
  3. FUNCTIONAL HIERARCHY:   There is a functional hierarchy to these living systems. Vortexing energy systems spin within other vortexing energy systems. Greater networks have a greater storehouse of  primal power. By leading with their  greater intelligence, they ‘parent’ the ‘lesser’ systems, thereby helping each other evolve like a family. They evolve because of each other! If separated from the larger part, those lower parts are cut off (orphaned) and hereby the information exchange/transfer is lost.
  4. CONNECTIVITY: The ability for a system to expand is directly related to the degree to which it is fastened and strengthened by its connectivity to all parts of the system. Like a tree’s connection to the root system and the earth, I can expand only to the degree to which I am connected to my ‘parent’ living system (the larger system of my larger hierarchal living communities that support my life).
  5. CORE STRENGTH: The core is the point from which the primal power strengthens the system. The core must be clean and filled with primal power. Consider the apple core once again – it’s where the seed is. The seeds contain the life force. Nothing happens externally – everything depends on the integrity of the core. In the human body, the intestine must be likewise in perfect integrity.
  6. Living systems are filled with seeming paradoxes.  They are at once hard and soft, active and calm, sovereign and dependent...and on and on we could go.
  7. OSCILLATE:  Living systems all have a pulse and hum – with a constant oscillating rate of motion. Consider the hummingbird and the bumble bee as examples.
  8. RESONANT RESPONSE: Living systems pick up on other living systems’ vibratory rate even without knowing it and adjust accordingly (again often unwittingly). This is called “resonance” and sometimes also referred to as “entrainment.”
  9. STRIVE: Living systems strive! Drive and desire are qualities of concentrated primal power. Living systems innately strive to embody their vision for a higher order. A deep inner intelligence, a passion to become drives them on.
  10. SELF-REGENERATING: Living systems are self-regenerating. They go from strength to strength. There is no still point, no stagnation – always moving. Stagnation is the agent of demise for living systems.
  11. EXPANSION TO GO BEYOND THE CORE IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE STRENGTH OF THEIR CONNECTION TO THE CORE:    Living systems expand without losing connectivity with their core. A living system’s intelligence executes on its vision/strategy of expansion while never leaving its core. In fact, as the core strengthens, the expansion is emboldened!  
  12. LIFE FORCE CONDITIONS: When conditions are not favorable to the primal power in the system, the primal power will leave. We must constantly create conditions that give primal power a reason to stay! A living system (centripetal) will be inhospitable to anti-energetic force. A non-viable system (centrifugal) will likewise be inhospitable to primal power. The degree to which a living system is viable is the degree to which it will be hospitable to primal power.
  13. The reason Primal Power would stay in a living system is the same reason it would leave a system. Primal power creates living systems into existence to evolve itself. When the conditions of a system are not conducive to primal power’s evolution, primal power abandons ship – expediting the term of the systems. The term of the system is the time in which the primal power inhabits it – it becomes “term-inal” when the decay increases and the death cycle overtakes.
  14. Favorable change is change which results in an increase of the concentration of Primal Power. Favorable change = increase of the concentration of Primal Power = greater concentration of strength = greater integrity of the threads of a given living system’s network = which give it a greater opportunity to express and manifest the vision held by this  intelligence of the Primal Power = syntropy.
  15. Non-viable change (unfavorable change) is the opposite: it results in a congested, filthy system. Cut threads, obstruction and impact lead to poorly running systems. It leads to a congested system causing filth. This results in a non-working framework, which is filthy (corrosive state/rot/entropy) and useless.  A non-viable system becomes a corrupt/rotting system by degree.
  16. Demystifying the “devil.” The “devil” is simply the unraveling of life. Ironic or coincidence that “live/d” is “evil/devil” backward? If Primal Power = Supreme Cause conducting, then any drain on this power is the arch nemesis of Supreme Cause, the enemy of Go(o)dness. Alas, this is perhaps why we have the Biblical quote that “cleanliness is next to Godliness??”
  17. VACUUMS: Living systems love a vacuum. The womb, the sea and the lungs are great examples of how vacuums are a key regenerative quality of living systems. The prerequisite for a vacuum is emptiness which necessitates cleanliness. Filth prevents the ability of a vacuum to manifest.
  18. VALUE:  The value of life is in living systems – the value is its Primal Power. Your value is innate and within your living system. Real value equates to the quantity of Primal Power in a living system.  You increase your value when you increase your Primal Power. You can be immensely rich in that which holds real value -- none can stop you, contest it or take it from you once you know how to protect it!
  19. Functional Expansion is a characteristic/effect which occurs in living systems: The nature of living systems to expand in consciousness due to a concentration of primal power. Discern between functional expansion/dysfunctional expansion (gas pressure, inflammation for example), functional contraction (successful cleansing, higher order, release of gas and decrease of inflammation) and dysfunctional contraction (dehydration and calcification as examples).
  20. ELEMENTS:  All physical-earth-living systems rely completely upon the natural elements: air, soil, water and fire (and ethers).  When any one of the elements are not operating in balanced qualities and ideal quality, the system will unravel and become non-viable.