Primal Power & Relationships
- Everything is in relationship to everything else.
- Relationship suffers the moment we cut ourselves off from the unified whole – from interdependency to fragmented engagement that identifies with separateness. Once again this takes us back to the moment in human history when we domesticated ourselves as a human collective. Domestication severs and suppresses. In order to maintain predictability we assert dysfunctional control, which deepens our disconnection and forces further suppression. Separation consciousness gives birth to it’s brain child: domestication. This is the first error, separation actions that come from separation consciousness.
- Disconnection and suppression creates an accumulation of pain that the soul and spirit know are wrong but in order to relate and engage in a domesticated society (rather than be isolated and abandoned from the group), there is collusion. The alternative would be to address the error. But in our fixed social structures that is not an alternative for 99.9% of the conditioned population.
- Wild humans have functional hierarchy (like water systems and landmasses have which is a kind of a hierarchal support chain like parents and children have in functional families. But domesticated humans have dysfunctional hierarchy, which is all about power over the other, higher and lesser statuses to which the lesser must submit. This unequal exchange of power is present in all dysfunctional relationships and is also caused by exposure to dysfunctional relationships. Dysfunctional relationships beget dysfunctional relationships…round and round it goes in a self-defeating cycle. This is to relationships what poor dietetics is to physical lineage. Again, round and round it goes, decreasing power with each cycle, each generation.
- Remember, just as you learned in the cause of disease, relationship too requires reciprocity of balanced exchange. Where we find anti-energetic influences, we find relationships that are deprived of their health and life force.
- Humans are socially conditioned to take power from outside of themselves, and specifically to take energy that is not theirs from other humans, other animals, and natural resources. In effect, humans become anti-energetic forces themselves. In this way, such human behavior could be categorized as ‘vampirical’ and parasitic.
- What goes wrong with relationships? We behave as anti-energetic forces in relationship – we take what is not ours. We exploit everything around us. We are not entitled to do this but we convince ourselves we are. Entitlement is the death of relationships because it is the fodder for anti-energetic actions, thoughts, behaviors, etc.
- The opposite of entitlement is appreciation. We will only be functional in relationships when we are no longer engaging with conscious/subconscious/unconscious entitlement but with appreciation.
- Entitlement is an expression of co-dependency which is the lowest form of relationship. Interdependency is the higher goal – it recognizes our individuality and our unity. One of the best ways I’ve heard interdependency put is: “Unity among diversity.” This is also the concept referred to as “Ubuntu” in Southern Africa.
- You know you’ve left life-sucking entitlement behind and reached this life-generating appreciation stage when you revere the life force in all those around you. You will have life-generating relationships when you truly revere all life as if were the lifeblood of the universe (which it is) AND if you can say with absolute conviction that accessing energy for yourself externally, for your own personal desire or perceived need would be totally out of bounds for you. To take any iota of someone else’s power would be unthinkable to you.
- Society has infused us with the patterns that culture follows, which we then project upon others: to exploit, to protect self-interest, to take pleasure in consuming, to devalue others.
- A society’s projections are the offspring of their values. Our society values external power so that program causes us to enact that cultural story constantly in everything we do every moment of our lives.
- Co-dependency is quintessentially toxic – it’s basically a relationship-bartering-system based on entitlement. If you appreciate someone you don’t need anything from them – they are of value just by being themselves.