Subject: Resolution Protecting Our Coast from Offshore Drilling and Fracking


I am writing to request that you propose a resolution in opposition to offshore drilling and fracking. On January 4, 2018 the Trump administration proposed to vastly expand offshore drilling to lease areas off every U.S. coast, including leases in the Pacific for the first time in 30 years. At the same time, the government has proposed to rollback offshore drilling safety rules, and on April 28 President Trump issued an executive order attempting to revoke permanent Obama-era protections for sensitive Arctic and Atlantic waters. The federal government also recently lifted a moratorium on fracking off California's coast.


Offshore drilling and fracking are dangerous, dirty practices that pollute our water and air, drench our beaches in oil, wreck our climate, and are fundamentally at odds with our coastal economy and way of life. They have no place in our ocean. That's why I'm asking you and the city/town/county/governing body today to take a stand and proactively address this problem with a resolution.


Faced with an administration that's promised oil companies unrestricted access to oil and gas reserves under America's oceans, it's up to local communities to guard our coastline against dangerous offshore drilling and the worst impacts of climate change.


Therefore I urge you to introduce and pass a resolution calling for 1) a ban on new offshore oil and gas drilling, fracking, and other well stimulation in federal and state waters off the Pacific coast, and 2) no new federal oil and gas leasing in all U.S. waters, including the Pacific.

