PhDetox Module 1:  Introduction to Toxicity

#1: V = P - O 

Vitality = Power - Obstruction 

What's our Power source? Electromagnetic conductivity! 

It's a scientific process happening in our body: when the negative ions (electrons) of an atom exceed the positive ions (protons). Electrons are the building blocks of vitality, so the more electrons the better!  

When more protons come in, they suffocate the cell, creating obstruction and acidic waste.

Obstruction --> Stagnation --> Bacteria Growth --> Decomposition 

In order to prevent decomposition, we must prevent obstruction.

Our body communicates obstruction with symptoms of pain and dis-ease.  We have accepted norms that are not normal for the human body, which can be anything from an ear infection to cancer.  


#2: Not all food is human food

Believe it or not, real human food becomes less food as water content is removed from it.  And while some foods may not be poisonous, they still may not be considered human food.

So what is considered real human food? Alkaline, water-containing fruits and vegetables, mother's milk, and negatively charged air & water. 

The more dehydrated your food is, the more space there is for toxicity, and the build-up of acidic waste.  

60% or less of what we put into our body actually comes out of our bodies! That's a lot of build-up!


#3: Life Decay vs. Life Force Energy

Life Decay = non-human foods + obstruction + genetic inheritance 

It's true we weren't all born with a full deck of fortitude in our organs, and we need fortitude!  What was inherited through our lineage from the moment we were born affects our ability to release waste.   

Any extra weight on our body (5, 10, or 50lbs) is a sign of acidic, toxic, waste build-up.

Develop a dialogue with your body!  Our bodies want us to be happy, and will communicate with painful symptoms when something isn't flowing!  Trust it without suppressing the symptoms.

Life Force Energy = Pleasure + Ease: this is the NORM for our bodies!

When we choose conductivity, our body has more of a chance to communicate pleasure symptoms of ease and flow.  The force of electrons through real human food is a powerhouse for transformation.