War Thunder Unofficial Patch Notes by _mike10d


        Engine type changed from radial to inline in fm file

        Empty mass: 3245 → 3216

G55 sottoserie 0:

        Empty mass: 3170 → 3030

G55 serie 1:

        Empty mass: 3160 → 3090

Fiat cr42 marcolin

Can now be bought

Gladiator mk2 (all)

        Engine and oil temperatures adjusted. Appears to generally be a buff.

Ta-154 A-1:

        Elevator movement speed increased

        Engine acceleration increased (faster increase of rpm)


Object 268

        Now both sides of the object 268 have spaced armor in the front instead of just the right side.

New title:

“Five minutes of fame”

New decal:

        244th Sentai Tail Marking IJAAF