PhDetox Module 7:  Physical Education

 #1: The New Healthy Man

We are not used to seeing truly healthy men in America, so it’s no surprise we do not know what a healthy man looks like.

We are used to seeing big & muscular men, but big & muscular does not equal healthy.  Often times the bigness is a result of bloat, inflammation, and carbonic gas.

When men go through a detox it's like a muddy sponge being cleared away under water - it's a detox for the tissues.  Men have to be willing to not freak out about losing the "bulk" as they go through this phase of clearing away, because like a sponge, once the waste is released, the body will come to a perfect size, in a clean-celled state.  

The result?  A strong but lean physique with magnificent musculature! 

The new healthy man is outdoors, breathing fresh air, and living in sunlight!

#2: Understanding Protein

Think of the some of the greatest, strongest, largest mammals you know of, from elephants to gorillas to hippos- they are herbivores!  

Many are unaware that amino acids are plentiful in leafy greens!  

Flesh is unnecessary when considering the clean-celled athlete.  However, with greens, colonics/enemas, and good food combining, you can still eat flesh and have a detoxified system.

Shift your thoughts around your main source of protein coming from flesh - rather than eating it from a place of "need", eat it purely from a place of "enjoyment". 

#3: Body Movement

Take joy and pleasure in movement!  

When coming up with a personalized exercise plan, it's a great time to think about how to evolve body... "what can I do to prepare my body during these modern times?" Harness the power within, and have fun with that!

Rebounding, yoga, biking, dancing, martial arts (if running is desired, do so only on sand or earth, not on concrete), brisk walks outside, and the elliptical machine (if you enjoy going to a gym) are all powerful and enjoyable ways to move that wondrous body of yours.

Clearing away toxins in the morning on an empty stomach is ideal for powerful Qi flow.

Tips for physique:

Strong, flexible, agile beings is the goal here - enjoy yourself being who you're meant to be!