Primal Power & Your Emotions

Now that we understand how we can both lose and retrieve our valued Primal Power through our physical body, let’s take a look at the keys to understand the loss and retrieval of Primal Power in the emotional field.


  1. When humans fall in consciousness from unity Consciousness/interconnectivity to separation consciousness they become cut-off from the flow of Primal Power and the abundant fruits that come from it.
  2. In the place of unity’s interconnected, abundant wild-flow was placed separation consciousness’ brainchild: domestication. Domestication (also known as civilization) equated to controlling/enslaving nature in order to ensure  [unnatural] predictability of resources.
  3. However, domesticating land, animals, humans and human emotions only degraded the land, animals, humans and their emotions, subsequently, further distancing them from the network of life abundant. This distance from Primal Power made them increasingly vulnerable to all anti-energetic forces (which in turn proliferated and strengthened).
  4. The anti-energetic forces combined with the intense fear of having to fend for oneself resulted in a  hyper controlling, hyper-fearful state (dysfunctional fear/dysfunctional control). Enter: dysfunctional competition for resources and status, the mutant/parasitic psychotic human (or what the Cree Native American Indians called, “Wetiko”).
  5. This all equated on an emotional level to suppression and repression of authentic human emotion. Dysfunctional emotion and dysfunctional ways of relating became the [acceptable] norm. The suppression/repression of emotion resulted in stagnation/calcification (harbingers of the death cycle) and resulted also a kind of congested emotional terrain that was given to the emotional equivalent of pathogens (emotions gone rogue). This is anti-energetic emotion. We lose our power and our emotional intelligence, our emotional ‘know-how.’ Our emotions get dumbed-down in separation consciousness and domesticity.
  6. The advent of farming was the domestication of food – domestication of food results in the decline of intelligence in the food that grows in these conditions. Likewise, with emotions, our domestication dumbs-down our emotions. So the suppression both inhibits our connection to a richer emotional experience while it holds down the emotions we authentically feel, turning our suppressed authentic emotions rancid by the effects of stagnation (pathogenic overgrowth). Which is why we become the embodiments of the life deteriorating expressions of life that occur microcosmically in a body with such conditions. Instead of healthy, life-generating emotions, constriction of life results in emotions exhibiting in a down right ‘parasitic,’ and ‘vampirical’ way, with a ‘zombie’-like drive to satiate our unconscious appetites.
  7. Insanity actually means a mental filth (not sanitized, unclean). If our mind is not clean our emotions cannot be clean and vise versa. In our true wildness (non-domesticated state) we have clean emotions – clean feelings -- sanity. Crazy is the opposite of wild; crazy is the result of domestication.
  8. In the place of natural wildness we have cultural conditioning which instills in its constituents a sense of entitlement to exploit. The sense of self as separate and out for itself feels justified in taking what it feels it needs to hoard. Fear of lack fuels the collective sense of entitlement to exploit.  The collective does an awful lot of emotional exploiting.  We are dangerous emotionally to others until we are healed of this entitlement to exploit. Again, the Native American Cree Indians had a term for this psychosis (the sense of entitlement to use others – to actually cannibalize others figuratively). They called it Wetiko. We must cure ourselves of Wetiko if we are to become safe, not to mention a benevolent force eventually!  Wetiko is a result of domestication.  The aborigines called domesticated humans “mutants.” They called themselves “the real people” (see Marlo Morgan’s book “Mutant Message from Down Under”).
  9. Forgiveness a-fresh: Let go of all residue of unforgiveness. Unforgiveness is a huge anti-energetic drain as is self-pity. When you recognize these drains on your power and make the necessary adjustments, tremendous Primal Power will flood back to you.
  10.   Boundaries:
  1. Consider the importance of creating boundaries preventing the chaos of the world’s emotions permeating your emotional field.
  2. We must take full responsibility when our chaotic emotions permeate another’s space and increasingly prevent it from happening. This is part of what is required to be a mature grown up.
  1. Restoring integrity to our emotional field restores all our functional emotions. We become trustworthy and a hugely valuable contributor to life when we have functional emotions.
  2. Releasing accumulated dysfunctional emotions is done by recognizing the lineage of dysfunctional emotion (awareness of your behavior and the origin of your behavior) and taking responsibility for it and then refusing to engage with it in the same way by using all the tools of witnessing, establishing boundaries, taking responsibility for your behavior and operating with increased self-governance. Start by cleaning up after yourself emotionally. Eventually, your emotional terrain will get cleaner and cleaner until you are no longer a breeding ground for rogue, dysfunctional emotions.
  3. There is always a price to be paid for irresponsible, unconscious emoting.  We must clean up after ourselves or we just spend our lives paying the price for the irresponsible (insane, unclean) things we do.
  4. Practice settling yourself.  Before you do anything, settle yourself. Settling yourself is one thing you can always do before responding.
  5. Expectations are a lose-lose energetic drain scenario. Release expectation – it creates anxiety and leads to disappointment. When you are healed and others are healed you can operate on trust instead of expectation. Healed people operate on honor, which is a far healthier expression than expectation. Find your satisfaction within so that expectations do not have such a hold on you. It’s healthy detachment.
  6. Balance the “inner family” so you have a functional inner warrior, inner sage, inner nurturer and inner child. This is explained in detail in my book, “The New Energy Body.” Community members may download here:  The New Energy Body. Almine teaches that the secret to successful aloneness and successful relationships on all levels is a balanced, functional inner family.  Hold an “inner family” meeting whenever needed.
  7. When the rot goes; the rut will go. If you feel stuck in your life and in the same repeating emotional cycles, know that as the physical and emotional rot leaves you, the rut will leave you to. You will liberate yourself and become unstuck.