CIS 700-003: Big Data Analytics

Spring 2017

Homework 2: Big Data, Graph Data

Due February 21, 2017 by 10pm

Note: this is an archived version of a homework.  Find a more recent version from

For this assignment, we will focus on graph data.  You saw an instance of this with Homework 1 -- the airline flight network is actually a graph -- but we only did limited kinds of computation over the graph.  However, many real-world datasets are, or can be modeled by, graphs (or trees which are special cases of graphs).  Examples include:

For this assignment, we will be doing a few common operations on graphs.  In the next assignment, when we have the power of matrices, we will do some further computation over the same graph data.  (It’s very common to encode graph connectivity through an adjacency matrix that we’ll discuss in lecture.)

Step 1. Clone the Repo and Download the Datasets

Let’s start by downloading the data files for this assignment.  These will include flight data from HW1 as well as social network data (specifically, data about who answered questions from whom on Stack Overflow).

From Bitbucket, clone the HW2 repository:

git clone

Now in Jupyter, go into hw2 and open Retrieve.ipynb.  Go to Cell|Run All.  This will take a while, but will download several data files and, as necessary, decompress them.  They also give you a model for how you can retrieve text or gzipped files from the Web.

Step 2. Get Started with Apache Spark

Apache Spark, which has become the de facto successor to Apache Hadoop, is a complex, cluster-based data processing system that was written in Scala.  It leverages a wide variety of distributed tools and components used for big data processing.  It interfaces “smoothly” to Python, but be forewarned that there are some rough edges.  For those interested in why, there are a few reasons:

  1. Scala has slightly different notions of types (especially things like Rows) and handles missing values (nulls) differently from Python.
  2. The Scala-based Spark “engine” can’t just run Python functions as it’s doing data processing.  This means that you want to be careful to use Spark’s library of functions, or the special mechanisms for inserting “user defined functions.”
  3. DataFrames on Spark are “sharded,” so there is no single object corresponding to the DataFrame!

While Spark DataFrames try to emulate the same programming style as Pandas DataFrames, there are some differences in how you express things.  Please refer to the Lecture Slides for our take on the differences.  You may also find the following Web pages to be useful resources for understanding Spark vs Pandas DataFrames:

For this assignment, we are going to get familiar with Spark without worrying too much about sharding and distribution.  We are going to run Spark on your Docker container.  This isn’t really using it to its strengths -- and in fact you might find Spark to be unexpectedly slow -- but it will get you comfortable with programming in Spark without worrying about distributed nodes and clusters.  Your code, if written properly, will “naturally scale” to clusters running on the Cloud.  Later in the term we’ll connect your Jupyter instance to Spark running on Amazon -- to handle “truly big data.”

Step 2.1 Initializing a Connection to Spark

First, create a new Jupyter notebook called “Graphs”. Then create a Cell in the notebook and establish a connection to the Spark engine as follows.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

from pyspark.sql.types import *

import pyspark.sql.functions as F

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('Graphs-HW2').getOrCreate()

Note: Spark has multiple interfaces -- SparkSession is the “most modern” one and we’ll be using it for this course.  From SparkSession, you can load data into DataFrames as well as RDDs.

Step 2.2 Loading Our Graph Datasets.

For this assignment, we’ll be looking at graph data from the Stack Overflow site.  Many of you have probably ended up at Stack Overflow when Googling for answers about how to solve a programming task -- possibly even a programming task related to this very course!  Stack Overflow has a variety of users who post questions, answers to questions, and comments on both the questions and the answers.  Network science researchers at Stanford have extracted the network structure of these answers into a dataset for study.

A very brief review of graph theory. Recall that a graph G is composed of a set of vertices V (also called nodes) and edges E (sometimes called links).  Each vertex  has an identity (often represented in the real world as a string or numeric “node ID”).  Each edge  is a tuple  where  represents the source or origin of the edge, and  represents the target or destination.  In the simplest case, the edge tuple above is simply the pair  but in many cases we may have additional fields such as a label or a distance.  Recall also that graphs may be undirected or directed; in undirected graphs, all edges are symmetric whereas in directed graphs, they are not.  For instance, airline flights are directed, whereas Facebook friend relationships are undirected.

Let’s read the social graph data of Stack Overflow, which forms a directed graph.  Here, the set of nodes is also not specified; the assumption is that the only nodes that matter are linked to other nodes, and thus their IDs will appear in the set of edges.  To load the file into a Spark DataFrame, you can use the following lines.

# Read lines from the text file

answers_sdf ='sx-stackoverflow-a2q.txt', format="text")

We’ll use the suffix _sdf to represent “Spark DataFrame,” much as we used “_df” to denote a Pandas DataFrame in Homework 1.  Repeat the load process to create Spark DataFrames for the other files, sx-stackoverflow-c2a.txt, which should go into comments_answers_sdf; and finally, sx-stackoverflow-c2q.txt, which should go into comments_questions_sdf.

Data Check for Step 2.2.  Let’s now create some Cells to get a quick look:

  1. Create a Cell in Markdown with contents “## Step 2.2” and hit Shift-Enter
  2. Create consecutive Cells that run answers_sdf.count() and then
  3. Create a Cell that runs answers_sdf.printSchema().
  4. Create two Cells that run comments_answers_sdf.count() and, respectively.
  5. Create a Cell that runs comments_answers_sdf.printSchema().
  6. Create two Cells that run comments_questions_sdf.count() and, respectively.
  7. Create a Cell that runs comments_questions_sdf.printSchema().

Step 2.3 Simple Wrangling in Spark DataFrames

Currently, the network data from the three source files is not very detailed; it consists of a string-valued attribute called value with three space-delimited columns (representing a social network edge and timestamp).  We want to separate out each of these three columns into a Spark DataFrame column, and additionally we want to add a fourth field describing which type of edge is being represented.

Let’s quickly enumerate some of the building blocks. (Look at the lecture slides for this part of the homework for more help.)

  1. The split function in Spark, works similarly to the one in Python.  It can be called directly from Spark SQL (“select split(x,’ ’) …”) or by importing pyspark.sql.functions and referring to the function in Python.
  2. You may need to cast your columns since they start off as strings.  In Python, you can call my_sdf.column.cast(‘type’) to convert data types.  In SQL it’s ‘SELECT CAST(my_sdf.column AS type).’  

To split, you can use a query such as:

SELECT split(col, ' ')[0] as column1, split(col, ' ')[1] as column2

And to cast, you can use a query like:


Combining these, we get a command like (although note that it is incomplete and you need to finish it):


spark.sql(‘SELECT CAST(split(column, pattern)[0] AS double) AS my_col FROM my_sdf_view’)

So, for instance, to convert a column to a double, you can do:, pattern)[0].alias(“my_col”).cast(“double”))



spark.sql(‘SELECT CAST(split(column, pattern)[0] AS double) AS my_col FROM my_sdf_view’)

createOrReplaceTempView creates a temporary view (removed when the SparkSession ends) that allows us to run SQL queries against the contents of my_sdf; my_sdf isn’t visible to Spark’s SQL engine by itself.

Finally, you may need to add columns with literal values.  You can do this by composing functions:

my_sdf.withColumn(‘new_col’, F.lit(‘value’))

Which creates a column with a new literal value.  Or you can use SQL:

spark.sql(‘select *, value AS new_col FROM my_sdf_view’)

For this step, we want to regularize and combine our graph data from the three Spark DataFrames.

  1. Convert each Spark DataFrame into a 4-ary (4-column) table with the columns from_node, to_node, timestamp, edge_type.  Directly replace the original Spark DataFrame with the corresponding new one (e.g., answers_sdf should go from a single-column to a 4-column table).
  1. Now use the Spark DataFrame unionAll function, or spark.sql() and the SQL UNION ALL operator, to create a single Spark DataFrame called graph_sdf, concatenating the results of all of the above, in the order answers_sdf, comments_questions_sdf, comments_answers_sdf.  (If you use SQL, remember you need to call createOrReplaceTempView on the _sdf DataFrames to make them “visible” to SparkSQL.)

Data Check for Step 2.3.  Let’s now create some Cells:

  1. Create a Cell in Markdown with contents “## Step 2.3” and hit Shift-Enter
  2. Create two consecutive Cells that run (for the new versions of your Spark DataFrames) answers_sdf.count() and then
  3. Create a Cell that runs answers_sdf.printSchema().
  4. Create two consecutive Cells that run comments_answers_sdf.count() and
  5. Create a Cell that runs comments_answers_sdf.printSchema().
  6. Create two consecutive Cells that run comments_questions_sdf.count() and
  7. Create a Cell that runs comments_questions_sdf.printSchema().
  8. Create two consecutive Cells that run graph_sdf.count() and
  9. Create a Cell that runs graph_sdf.printSchema().

Step 3.0 Computing Simple Graph Centrality

The study of networks has proposed a wide variety of measures for measuring importance of nodes.  A popular metric that is easy to compute is the degree centrality.  The degree centrality of a node is simply the number of connections to the node.  In a directed graph such as ours, you will want to compute both the indegree centrality (number of nodes with edges coming to this node) and outdegree centrality (number of nodes with edges coming from this node).

Using the Spark DataFrame groupBy(), orderBy(), and count() functions, or their equivalents in SparkSQL using the spark.sql() function, compute a DataFrame with the five vertices with highest indegree.  Similarly, you can get the five vertices with highest outdegree.  Think about what these measures could tell you.  (You can consult the lecture slides for more details.)

Data Check for Step 3.  Let’s now create some Cells:

  1. Create a Cell in Markdown with contents “## Step 3” and hit Shift-Enter
  2. Create a Cell that runs show() on your Spark DataFrame for the 5 nodes with highest indegree.  Include the fields node and the indegree.
  3. Create a Cell that runs show() on your Spark DataFrame for the 5 nodes with highest outdegree.  Include the fields node and the outdegree.

Degree centrality is the simplest of the potential measures of graph node importance.  We’ll consider other measures in the Advanced part of this assignment, as well as in future assignments.

Step 4.0 “Traversing” a Graph

For our next tasks, we will be “walking” the graph and making connections.

4.1 Distributed Breadth-First Search

A search algorithm typically starts at a node or set of nodes, and “explores” or “walks” for some number of steps to find a match or a set of matches.

Let’s implement a distributed version of a popular algorithm, breadth-first-search (BFS).  This algorithm is given a graph G, a set of origin nodes N, and a depth d.  In each iteration or round up to depth d, it explores the set of all new nodes directly connected to the nodes it already has seen, before going on to the nodes another “hop” away.  If we do this correctly, we will explore the graph in a way that (1) avoids getting caught in cycles or loops, and (2) visits each node in the fewest number of “hops” from the origin.  BFS is commonly used in tasks such as friend recommendation in social networks.

How does distributed BFS in Spark work?  Let’s start with a brief sketch of standard BFS.  During exploration “rounds”, we can divide the graph into three categories:

  1. unexplored nodes.  These are nodes we have not yet visited.  You don’t necessarily need to track these separately from the graph.
  2. visited nodes.  We have already reached these nodes in a previous “round”.
  3. frontier nodes.  These are nodes we have visited in this round.  We have not yet checked whether they have out-edges connecting to unexplored nodes.

We can illustrate these with a figure and an example.

Let’s look at the figure.  The green node A represents the origin.

  1. In the first round, the origin A is the sole frontier node.  We find all nodes reachable directly from A, namely B-F; then we remove all nodes we have already visited (there are none) or that are in the frontier (the node A itself).  This leaves the blue nodes B-F, which are all reachable in (at most) 1 hop from A.
  2. In the second round, we move A to the visited set and B-F to the frontier.  Now we explore all nodes connected directly to frontier nodes, namely A (from B), F (from E), and the red nodes G-L.  We eliminate the nodes already contained in the frontier and visited sets from the next round’s frontier set, leaving the red nodes only.
  3. In the third round, we will move B-F to the visited set, G-L to the frontier set, and explore the next round of neighbors N-V.  This process continues up to some maximum depth (or until there are no more unexplored nodes).

Assume we create data structures (we can make them DataFrames) for the visited and frontier nodes.  Consider (1) how to initialize the different sets at the start of computation [note: unexplored nodes are already in the graph], and (2) how to use the graph edges and the existing data structures to update state for the next iteration “round”.

You might possibly have seen how to create a breadth-first-search algorithm in a single-CPU programming language, using a queue to capture the frontier nodes. With Spark we don’t need a queue -- we just need the three sets above.

Create a function spark_bfs(G, origins, max_depth) that takes a Spark DataFrame with a graph G (following the schema for comments_questions_sdf described above), a Python list of maps origins of the form [{‘node’: nid1}, {‘node’: nid2}, …], and a nonnegative integer “exploration depth” max_depth (to only run BFS on a tractable portion of the graph).  The function should return a DataFrame containing pairs of the form (n, x) where n is the node or vertex ID, and x is the depth at which n was first encountered.  Note that the origin nodes should also be returned in this Spark DataFrame (with depth 0)! 

You can create a new DataFrame with an integer node column from the above list of maps origins, as follows. This will give you a DataFrame of the nodes to start the BFS at

schema = StructType([

            StructField("node", IntegerType(), True)


    my_sdf = spark.createDataFrame(my_list_of_maps, schema)

A few hints that should keep Spark from getting too bogged down:

  1. In this algorithm, do not traverse edges back to previously visited nodes (this is a cycle!).  However, if you reach the same node through multiple edges during a single step of the traversal, you should keep the duplicate entries (including parallel edges) as they will be useful for 4.2 for finding “friends of multiple friends.” However, don’t keep duplicate paths that started in previous layers of the BFS (i.e. your frontier DataFrame should be a set before the start of each iteration).
  2. For performance reasons, as you compute DataFrames that are referenced more than once -- you should call the .cache() function: e.g., my_sdf = dataframe_expression.cache(). You should definitely do this with your graph, visited node set, etc.
  3. For performance reasons, you may want to divide your DataFrames into many shards, likely on the from_node or node.  You can do this by running my_sdf.repartition(100, my_column).

An important note: PySpark’s subtract function may seem useful in this problem. However, one thing to know about it is it treats the inputs as sets; that is, if we runthe subtract function it will automatically remove duplicate rows from the input DataFrames. For example, if we call sdf1.subtract(sdf2), any duplicate rows in sdf1 and sdf2 will be dropped when it performs the computation. This means that if you are relying on one of your DataFrames to store nodes seen multiple times at a depth level, there is a good chance these duplicate rows are being dropped if you are using the subtract function. One way around this is to use what Spark calls a Left Anti-Join. This is syntactic sugar for the following SQL query:


FROM table1 AS t1

LEFT JOIN table2 AS t2

ON t1.col = t2.col


To run a Left Anti-Join in Spark, you can use a join with the ‘how’ parameter set to ‘leftanti’, e.g. ...sdf1.join(sdf2, sdf1.col==sdf2.col, ‘leftanti’). When running this, you may or may not get a Spark error that includes the message:

“AnalysisException: 'Both sides of this join are outside the broadcasting threshold and computing it could be prohibitively expensive. To explicitly enable it, please set spark.sql.crossJoin.enabled = true;'”.

If you do, try running the join on its own line instead of chaining it with other commands: e.g. instead of

my_awesome_sdf = my_awesome_sdf.computation1().computation2().join(...)

Try running:

my_awesome_sdf = my_awesome_sdf.computation1().computation2()

my_awesome_sdf = my_awesome_sdf.join(...)

Data Check for Step 4.1.  Let’s now create some Cells:

  1. Create a Cell in Markdown with contents “## Step 4.1” and hit Shift-Enter
  2. Compute a Spark DataFrame called bfs_sdf with the results of spark_bfs(comments_questions_sdf, [{‘node’: 4550}, {‘node’: 242}], 2). (We are not asking for the computation over graph_sdf simply because it takes a long time to complete.)
  3. Create two consecutive Cells that call count() and then show() on the above Spark DataFrame.

Note that in a data-parallel setting like this, the BFS algorithm you’ve implemented above actually is a form of (partial) “transitive closure.”

Step 4.2. Friend Recommendation

Now create a function friend_rec that takes in two arguments: filtered_bfs_sdf and graph_sdf (note: not necessarily the graph_sdf you created earlier). filtered_bfs_sdf  is a subset of the rows of bfs_sdf. graph_sdf, in this case, will be comments_questions_sdf. friend_rec should return the set of recommendations for nodes that are not adjacent to one another.  For each pair (n1, n2), where both n1 and n2 are non-adjacent nodes in filtered_bfs_sdf, the output DataFrame should have an edge (in both directions) between n1 and n2 to recommend the two nodes become friends. This is the notion of triadic closure (completion of triangles) that is commonly used in social networks like Facebook.

Hint: Since the graph is directed, in order to ensure that the nodes aren’t already connected to one another, you have to check that there is no edge in either direction in the graph.

Data Check for Step 4.2.  Let’s now create some Cells:

  1. Create a Cell in Markdown with contents “## Step 4.2” and hit Shift-Enter
  2. Compute a new Spark DataFrame filtered_bfs_sdf: take the bfs_sdf DataFrame from Step 4.1 and choose all items at depth 2 that are seen more than once at that depth.
  3. Compute a Spark DataFrame with the results of friend_rec() on this DataFrame.
  4. Create two consecutive Cells that call count() and then show() on the above Spark DataFrame.

Now, save your Jupyter Notebook (again, as Graphs.ipynb) for submission.  If you like, you may go on to the Advanced steps, or you may submit the basic assignment as per Step 6.0.

Step 5.0 Advanced - PageRank

Warning: This part of the Homework may still receive a few tweaks and refinements over the next few days.

Many of you may be familiar with the PageRank computation, which is used to measure the importance of a Web page.  (Contrary to popular belief, PageRank is named after Larry Page, not Web pages…)  PageRank is actually a tweaked version of a centrality measure called eigenvector centrality.  One way to implement PageRank is as an iterative computation.  We take each graph node x and in iteration 0 assign it a corresponding PageRank px:

where N is the total number of nodes.

Now in each iteration i we recompute:

Where B(x) is the set of nodes linking to node x, and Nj is the outdegree of each such node j.  Typically, repeating the PageRank computation for a number of iterations (15 or so) results in convergence within an acceptable tolerance.  For this assignment we’ll assume β = 0.15 and 𝛼 = 0.85 (we’ll discuss these in more details in the future).

Example. In the figure to the right, nodes j1 and j2 represent the back-link set B(x) for node x.  Nj1 is 3 and Nj2 is 2.  Thus in each iteration i, we recompute the PageRank score for x by adding half of the PageRank score for j2 and a third of the PageRank score of j3 (both from the previous iteration i-1).

For your solution to this step:

Hint.  Build some “helper” DataFrames.  We suggest at least 2 DataFrames, where the first is used the build the second, and the second is used in your solution:

  1. a DataFrame with each from_node and the proportion of weight it transfers to each outgoing edge.  For instance, if the from_node is node j then the proportion of weight should be 1/Nj.
  2. a DataFrame, again with the from_node, each node it transfers weight to, and the proportion of weight computed in (1).  For instance, if the from_node is j and the to_node is x, then the tuple should be (j, x, 1/Nj).

Initialize your PageRank values for each node in the “base case”.  Then, in each iteration, use the helper DataFrames to compute PageRank scores for each node in the next iteration.

You will likely find it easier to express some of the computations in SparkSQL.  If you want to use, you may find it useful to use the Spark F.udf function to create functions that can be called over each row in the DataFrame.  You can create a function that returns a double as follows:

my_fn = F.udf(lambda x: f(x), DoubleType())

Then you can call it like:‘col_name’)

Data Check for Step 5.  Let’s now create some Cells:

  1. Create a Cell in Markdown with contents “## Step 5” and hit Shift-Enter
  2. In consecutive Cells, write the count() of pr_sdf and then call
  3. In a Cell, call show() on the output DataFrame for pagerank(pr_sdf, 5).

Save your Jupyter notebook as Advanced.ipynb.

6.0 Submitting Homework 2

Please sanity-check that your Jupyter notebooks contain both code and corresponding data.  Add the notebook files to using the zip command at the Terminal, much as you did for HW0 and HW1.  The notebooks should be:

Next, go to the submission site, and if necessary click on the Google icon and log in using your Google@SEAS or GMail account.  At this point the system should know you are in the appropriate course.  Select CIS 700-003 Homework 2 and upload from your Jupyter folder, typically found under /Users/{myid}.

If you check on the submission site after a few minutes, you should see whether your submission passed validation.  You may resubmit as necessary.