PhDetox Module 3:  Rules of Digestion

 #1: What?

Food hierarchy: the foods in each category that top the list of being most clean (alkaline) when entering body.

*Please refer to the Food Combining & Alkalinity Chart

Here is the list of food categories:

Starch - (2 types) squashes & grains. Squashes are superior to grains. Grains are not considered an ideal human food.

Dairy - to determine how beneficial the dairy product consider how large the casein (the smaller the better) & the presence of enzymes.

Flesh - smaller the animal, cleaner the flesh.

Legumes - not an ideal human food, harsh on system. Small legumes are cleaner.

Nuts & Seeds - not a health generator.  Small seeds are the cleanest.

Fruit - the perfect human food! Enters body as huge force of life-force energy and leaves not a trace on exit. The higher the water-content the cleaner.

#2: How?

Food combining matters - to unblock body, must unblock center! 

Food combining alone will get you 75% of the way to a cleaner body.

Here is a food combining list to assist you in creating quick-exit meals.

Remember: there are always exceptions.

Starches - combine w/ all veggies (cooked or raw), avocado, legumes, young coconuts

do not combine w/ fruit, nuts & seeds, flesh, dairy (except butter)

Dairy - combine w/ all veggies, flesh; nothing else combines with dairy

Flesh - 0nly combines with dairy and all veggies

Legumes - only combine with starches and all veggies

Nuts & Seeds - combine w/ all veggies and dried fruit

do not combine w/ wet fruits, avocados, starches, flesh, dairy legumes

Fruit - more discussion on fruit in Module 4.

#3: When?

There is an ideal order to eating food:

lightest --> heaviest = quick exit

The other way around causes back-up and unwanted gas.

A perfect day would look something like this:

Not only is it important to begin light and end heavy as you move through the day, but it's also important for each of your meals to look the same way (light --> heavy).