Primal Power & Disease


  1. Disease is the fall of a system, namely the fall of the system within which the disease is diagnosed. Disease is both indicative of a fall of the larger system of which it is a part as well as of the associated systems to which it is connected.
  2. Disease begins with imbalance. Imbalance occurs when there is an unequal reciprocal electromagnetic flow to and from the poles of a living system or to and from a part of a living system. When either the positive (male) or the negative (female) function is not conducting in equal reciprocal measure, balance is lost so energy/power/life is lost.
  3. The precedent or harbinger of imbalance is the presence of anti-energetic force(s) -- which we defined on day one as that which drains or siphons energy rather than contributes energy to an organism. When anti-energetic forces impact upon the network of life they imbalance the male/female pulse, causing imbalance. So anti-energetic forces imbalance the pulse of life, making the pulse of life wonky.
  4. The anti-energetic force(s) causes imbalance, which result in symptoms. Symptoms indicate that the network of life is falling into disintegrated chaos. In other words, the corroding/rotting of a system (also known as the death cycle).  Every single possible symptom you can conceive of is a symptom of chaos.  This goes for all disease – mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, sexual, energetic disease and they overlap into each field.
  5. The death cycle unpacked: stagnation leads to calcification which leads to fermentation/putrefaction (decomposition by rogue microbes) which is also disintegration (a.k.a. entropy). This process is also the expression of what happens when life (intelligence, order, functionality) leaves. As disintegration increases, life dissipates. As life is dissipated, disintegration takes it’s place.  
  6. When we see disease we are seeing the degree to which the organism (a.ka. the living system) is caught up in the death cycle. We are seeing entropy and rot when we see disease.
  7. The more we give the life force a reason to stay in the living system, the more we prevent the decomposers from inhabiting the living systems and causing symptoms and diseases. Decay is like an abandoned building – the primal power has abandoned the system because it was not viable for its which is expression and evolution. The degree to which life force/primal power abandons the living system is the degree to which we see disease overtake.
  8. Health = voltage = electromagnetic current = the pulse of life. This is why health = balance (true balance of the male/female pulse/voltage). Primal power is that voltage; that voltage is fire! Anti-energetic forces snuff out the fire.  As the fire/voltage decreases, the primal power decreases and the decomposers increase.
  9. Bringing one’s living system to a higher order ensures health and healing. The true healer/doctor brings his/her patient to a higher state of order. This is what to look for in a doctor or healer of any kind.
  10. Food and energy are not necessarily synonymous despite whether or not a given food registers a high caloric value. Anti-energetic forces (in anti-energetic foods) may register as having a high caloric value (along with other theoretically valuable nutrients) but they contain a draining caloric value.  Watch out for misnomers about food and nutrition in light of that fact.
  11. Lineage is our precursor. We are the offspring of what came before us and so we have to bring the lineage we carry with us to a higher order. It also means that many of the symptoms and diseases that come up for us are the result of previous generation’s choices.
  12. When one is on a mission for energy rather than food per se, one can more easily cut away that which is not legitimately energizing and wind up embracing food that will not feed decay and that will bring in huge quantities of primal power. So what food category is in greatest harmony with regeneration and primal power infusions? Greens; a green-centric diet.
  13. Deep tissue cleansing combined with a green centric diet, internal cleansing and some dry fasting hours each day creates the conditions in which a living system that may have become compromised can, in effect, be turned around and made syntropic and regenerating! This approach can revitalize your living system.
  14. FAAF = Fermentation/Addiction/Acidity/Fungus. Anything that invites or supports the FAAF factors should be avoided. Each is found where another exists. In other words, a substance that is acidic will also be addictive and will create fermentation and feed fungus in the biological terrain.  Likewise, all addictive substances are acidic and fungus feeding, fermentation causing. All fermented substances are addictive, feed fungus, etc. Many will argue that kimchi and the so-called “healthy ferments” will not do this but I say they do and I do not consume them.
  15. Cancer can be understood in part as a fungal infestation. And a tumor can be understood as an attempt to ‘house’ the fungal entity, preventing it from  eating into healthy tissue, destroying the organ. But while the ‘housed’ fungus may be seemingly contained by the tumor, it still eats away at the cells and tissues it is housed by, rendering those cells and tissues (and the organ in which this ‘housing’ is located) necrotic (dead tissue). Eventually, the  tumor ‘house’ is consumed and the fungus spreads beyond its walls, permeating the organ. Tulio Simoncini is an Italian “alternative-medicine” doctor who has identified the fungus-cancer connection in his practice and believes in extinguishing the fungus/tumors with sodium bicarbonate.  I would suggest a more comprehensive protocol (the sodium bicarbonate might temporarily extinguish some fungus but the deeper cause and the state of the organism as a whole would need to be thoroughly addressed (on a case-by-case basis). However, conceptually there is value and truth in Simoncini’s theory!
  16. So what is the comprehensive protocol for the restoration of health at large and in specific? Unblocking the blocked pathways, reconnecting the broken threads, healing the shock/impact/chaos so the original working blueprint of the energetic field is fully restored.  The physical field and its larger and smaller systems will respond to the restoration of the energetic field. Diseased systems are brought to a higher and higher order when they are unblocked, cleaned, alkalinized and reconnected to the full network of life.
  17. The natural instinct of the body’s systems and cells is to be of service – being of service is intrinsic to the functions of a living system. Unity consciousness is the consciousness of healthy viable, non-compromised cells.
  18. Balance is represented by the scales of justice. Lady Justice = liberty = libre = balance.  Liberty means freedom. The prerequisite of freedom is balance. Anything that imbalances life will have to contend with the Law of Nature/Law of the Universe. This is how life is protected. Freedom is the reward of incorruptibility. Freedom is the reward of maintaining balance, which can only be done through order and cleanliness.
  19. Disease is the painful feedback indicator from nature that a body/person is engaging in anti-energetic ways. Nature gives it’s gentle nudges, the early symptoms and if these early light nudges are ignored, the nudges get more urgent and debilitating.