Guardianship Policy

Title of Policy           Guardianship Policy

Applies to                 Whole School

Endorsed by                 Head Master

Responsibility         Director of Admissions and Marketing

Date reviewed         August 2024

Next review                 Michaelmas 2025

Guardianship Policy

  1. Legal Requirements

Following the Children Act (1989), the Protection of Children Act (1999) and the Care Standards Act (2000), the School requires parents who do not live in the United Kingdom to appoint a guardian to act on their behalf. Arrangements for this should be made by the parent.


  1. Nationally Recognised Requirements

The Boarding Schools’ Association summarises the role of the educational guardian as follows:


For many from abroad, their educational guardian is the parents’ representative in this country, essential in times of crisis or need for support and advice, available not only to the pupil but also to the School as a proxy for the parents who cannot be contacted for whatever reason.  For others, their guardian is the person with whom they stay during school holidays and exeats when it is not practicable to return home.  The educational guardian has a clear pupil welfare role, bridging between parents, pupil and school.


Note that an educational guardian is not a child’s legal guardian in the sense of ‘parent or guardian’.


  1. School’s Requirements

The School’s pastoral system is very strong and we set great store in ensuring that effective arrangements are made with regard to educational guardianship.

During term time, the School is legally responsible for each pupil’s welfare and undertakes parentally delegated responsibilities. However, there are times (e.g. exeats, sustained illness, half term holidays, or when a child is suspended by the School, etc) when the School must be able to hand over these responsibilities to a properly appointed guardian. We are rightly bound by both the legal requirements and those of the Boarding Schools’ Association. In short, we must ensure that each child whose parents are domiciled overseas has a competent and caring guardian who fully understands their legal and pastoral duties. We must also be prepared to act if we feel that the nominated educational guardian does not meet our exacting standards.


Our overarching requirements are:


  1. Responsibilities of the Education Guardian

The responsibilities of the educational guardians are as follows:


  1. Choice of Educational Guardian

The educational guardian may be:


Whoever it is needs to be aware and fully accepting of the requirements that both we and the parents lay down to ensure the welfare of the child - the list in section 4 above is not exhaustive.  The educational guardian must have these specific responsibilities put in writing and they must agree to accept those responsibilities by signing a document between parent and educational guardian.

Please note that the choice of guardian is entirely the responsibility of the parent and the School accepts no legal responsibility or liability for any guardianship arrangements. The School does however expect the guardianship arrangements to be satisfactory and to meet the expectations outlined in this document.


  1. Guardian Agencies

The most common need for a ‘professional educational guardian’ comes from those whose family is entirely resident outside the UK.  In such circumstances, and where neither family nor friends live close enough to take on the role, parents may need to make use of the services of a guardian agency. As well as the list in Paragraph 4, professional educational guardians should adhere to what is commonly regarded as best practice in guardianship.  This includes having in place a proper agreement with the pupil’s parents as to what the guardian’s responsibilities are.  Note that Guardian Agencies are self-regulating.  Note also that the School is not in a position to recommend Guardian Agencies to parents seeking a professional educational guardian, but can offer advice to parents where appropriate.  In appointing an educational guardian, the School would require that the agency used would be a reputable organisation which is registered with one of the following:


AEGIS - the Association of Guardianship Services


BSA - Boarding School Association Certified Guardian Scheme

Please note that the School has supplied this information for ease of reference only.  The School is not the agent of any of the agencies listed and accepts no liability whatsoever in connection with parents’ appointment of any agency used and is unable to provide specific recommendations.


  1. Failure to Appoint an Educational Guardian

If a pupil does not have a guardian when required to by the School, or the appointed guardian is considered to be unsuitable by the School, the School will invite parents to find a new educational guardian.  Should parents fail to do so within an acceptable period of time, the School may have no alternative than to ask the parent to withdraw the child until suitable arrangements are in place.  Parents should complete the Educational Guardianship Proforma prior to the child’s first term.


  1. Responsibility of the Registrar

The Registrar should liaise with overseas parents/guardians whose child has need of an educational guardian to ensure that the correct educational guardianship provisions are made in line with this policy.  The Educational Guardianship Proforma must be completed prior to the child’s first term.


  1. Responsibility of the Director of Admissions and Marketing  in conjunction with the Deputy Head (Pastoral)

The Director of Admissions and Marketing and Deputy Head (Pastoral) should, in conjunction with Houseparents and the Head of Boarding:


  1. Responsibility of Houseparents

For the children under their care Houseparents should:

  1. Short Term Parent/Guardian Absence Abroad

Should a boarding child’s parent/guardian go abroad for any duration longer than 24 hours, the parent/guardian must ensure that suitable guardianship arrangements are in place to cover their absence, and that these details are known by the School.  These arrangements need not be as formal as those of an appointed educational guardian, but telephone and address details of the selected temporary guardian must be known by the School prior to the commencement of the absence.