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Regular Arrival Routine - 2020-21
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Regular Arrival and Dismissal Routines

Arrival and Dismissal Routines

Starting Thursday, September 10, regular arrival and pick-up routines begin in the Junior School. Parents are expected to drop off and pick up their children according to their assigned staggered times.

Students in Junior grades may walk home alone if written permission has been granted by their parent(s)/guardian(s) and has been shared with the Junior School Office.

JK–Grade 1 students enjoy supervised outdoor play time on the playground before entering the school:

Junior Kindergarten

Senior Kindergarten

Grade One


West Lawn

Lower Field

Grades 2–6 students enter the school upon arrival according to their assigned time and location and go directly to their classrooms.

Families should make every effort to ensure their daughter arrives at school within their drop-off window to facilitate a calm and smooth start to the day. Punctuality is an important self-management skill that we hope to foster in all Junior School students.

Please be considerate of other families, who are also trying to drop their daughter(s) off in a safe and timely manner, by ensuring your daughter has her belongings organized and is ready to exit your vehicle quickly. Do not allow your daughter to exit your vehicle from the through lane (the left side of your car). Pull up to the curb so she can exit safely from the right side, and wait for security personnel to direct you.

After-School Program
Students in JK to Grade 1 may attend the After-School Program from 3:00–5:30 p.m. and students in Grades 2–6 from 3:20–5:30p.m. The After-School Program is run by Director Jan Howard.

Parents who wish to use this service may sign up by segment. For more information contact Ms. Howard in advance. Late charges are in effect for late pick-up.

Health and Well-Being in the Junior School

We are a nut-sensitive and scent-free school. Many students in the Junior School live with life-threatening or serious allergies. As an allergy-sensitive environment, we do not host bake sales or permit foods to be brought in that contain nuts or traces of nuts. Please ensure that any snacks or packed lunch items are also nut free. Branksome Hall is also a scent-free environment, and we request that all students, parents, faculty and visitors not wear perfume or scented cosmetics when coming to school.

Absences and Appointments

If a student is going to be absent, her parents should contact the Junior School Office before 8:00 a.m. by phone at 416-920-6265, ext. 238 and must state a reason. The message line can be accessed 24/7. You can also email our attendance line at to report an absence. Every effort should be made to arrange doctor and dentist appointments outside of school hours. Parents aware of an upcoming appointment should notify their daughter’s homeroom teacher in writing the day before, or call the school’s attendance line. She must sign out in the office before leaving the school. Children must be picked up at the Junior School Office by an adult known to the school.


Lockers will not be accessible Fall 2020 due to COVID-19.

Personal Devices, Cell Phones and Electronics

If a child must bring a cell phone or other electronic device to school, these items are her responsibility. The school is not liable for their loss. Cell phones may not be used during the school day between 8:20 a.m. and 3:40 p.m., including at recess and lunch time. Students needing to call home are required to do so from the Junior School office.

Extended Holidays

Branksome Hall has very liberal holidays throughout the school year. We do not sanction extended family vacations during the school year. If a family does take extended leave, a letter to the Head, Junior School is required well in advance. If approved, the Head, Junior School will then notify all of your daughter’s teachers.

We do not require teachers to prepare customized lessons in advance of a student’s extended vacation. Students are expected to keep up with their classmates during their absence, although much of the daily inquiry-based learning cannot be replicated. Families must acquire the key work to be missed before their trip and follow up upon their return to obtain any necessary support to get the work completed. Parents must be aware that many experiences in the classroom that are missed may be impossible to duplicate for their child, such as discussions, presentations, special guests and outings.

Health Centre

Every student who, for any reason, leaves the school or goes to the Health Centre during the school day must sign out and sign back in when she returns to school. Students who become ill during the school day must ask their teacher for permission to go to the Health Centre. A nurse is on duty from 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. daily.

Throughout the duration of the pandemic, Branksome Hall health services will be delivered from two locations on campus, the Ainslie Health Centre and the Principal’s House Health Centre. Each location will be under the supervision of our Head Nurse and newly appointed School Nurse.

The Health Centre, located in Ainslie House, will operate as it has in the past and will host individuals requiring assistance with musculoskeletal concerns or injuries, pre-existing chronic conditions, allergies and social-emotional support.

The Principal’s House Health Centre, will operate as a space to care for those with possible or confirmed communicable illness. This space will provide a location for the temporary isolation of students and employees until departure from campus is arranged.

Students who are unwell or injured will report to the Junior School office and the Health Centre staff will be notified prior to the student leaving the Junior School building with an escort.

Lunch Routines

Students in JK to Grade 6 eat lunch in their classrooms. Students may sign up by learning segment for our hot lunch meal plan or they may bring their lunch from home. Aramark’s Healthy for Life program provides a wide variety of nutritious foods. Parents can view the weekly menus located under Quick Links on the Junior School Resource Board.

School Closure

If it is necessary to close the school due to a winter storm or other cause, an announcement will be made on the following stations:

AM Station: 680 News 
TV Stations:
CP24, CityTV

If the school is closed, a notice will be posted on the Portal and parents will be sent an email notification. In the event of an early closing, there is a parent contact procedure in place for Grades JK–6.

Lost and Found

Students will leave their items in the classrooms during the day, which should diminish the number of misplaced items this year.  Teachers will ensure that labelled items are returned to students in their classrooms. It is essential to clearly label all uniform items, athletic clothing and equipment, lunch bags, containers and notebooks. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the end of each term.

Student Security Cards

Junior Division students are issued a photo identification security card. In addition to giving students access to the school’s buildings, the cards also serve as student library cards. If a student card is lost, parents will be notified and a $25 replacement fee applies.

Updated: August 2020